In this Ask Coach Tony, I share the motivation secrets that have helped me achieve six years of massive personal transformation. Are you ready to create the life of your dreams?
Click here to read this edition of Ask Coach Tony.
Operation Melt provides engaging, practical content and hands-on coaching to inspire, motivate and equip you to achieve your big goals. Let's work together to build a world where no goal ever dies of loneliness.
In this Ask Coach Tony, I share the motivation secrets that have helped me achieve six years of massive personal transformation. Are you ready to create the life of your dreams?
Click here to read this edition of Ask Coach Tony.
Your goals can change your life, but don’t take my word for it… in this Surprise Life Coach, I will share what cats and dogs can teach us about being better friends (cute animal pics included!).
Are your goals important to you? If so, you will want to try this success hack to help you maintain the momentum to carry you to the finish line.
Click to learn how to stand up for what’s important to you in this week’s PB Believer.
Your goals can change your life, but don’t take my word for it… check out this week’s Interview with a Goal-Crusher to learn how Deanna expertly advocated for herself and her family.
Get exclusive strategies, inspiring success stories, and your FREE Goal Success Quick Start Guide eBook – all delivered straight to your inbox!
We naturally execute our projects, and our lives one day, one week, one month at a time similar to the “sprints” in an Agile project. What if we got better at pursuing our goals every week or every month? How powerful would that be and how successful would we be just a few months in the future? That is the goal of a retrospective, to continually assess and improve our performance throughout our projects. Use this template to complete your own retrospectives.
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Are you stuck trying to figure out your ideal job?
Free download for Operation Melt email subscribers.
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Are you hearing voices? They might be telling you lies!
Every one of us has two voices inside us. The first voice is the one that comes from our mouth that other people can hear and can be a powerful tool to express ourselves.
The second voice is one that only we can hear. This voice exists only inside our head and makes continual commentary about us and everything around us; it is our inner self-talk. Our second voice can be a powerful ally when it serves as our inner cheerleader. Unfortunately, this voice can also be our biggest critic, undermining us at every turn.
This inner critic is not really you! The critic is just borrowing your voice without your permission. Then, in your own voice, it tells you terrible things that undermine your confidence and hold you back from greatness.
This exercise will help you tell this inner critic to shut up. It’s time to silence the lies.
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Not to under-sell it, 2020 was an odd year and was not the year that I had planned. Like many people, I had a few wins, but they were quickly overshadowed by other events. At the end of the year, I looked back over all of the ups and downs and completed a personal 2020 retrospective. After some careful thought, I identified six big lessons that I have gleaned from 2020.
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They tell you that at least you’re pretty,
with a tone that sounds like pity,
or maybe an awarding of a consolation prize.
For there’s unrecognizable pain in your eyes,
and lately you have no time to worry about your size.
Some tell you not to care what others think.
They don’t realize you often feel on the brink.
You quit caring about thoughts, just authentic feelings, a long time ago.
But, you had no clue what life would throw – to charge and heighten every part of you.
You keep doing what little you can,
Being a wife and mother, with a plan.
You’re getting accustomed to cleaning up the ashes,
After murders happen,
Babies perish,
People die,
Crowds watch,
and you turn into a roadside attraction.
All while people’s love quickly fades,
comes to light,
or just flashes…
Want to buy Seasons of Transformation in a local store instead?
Pick up your autographed copy in one of the following locations.
Winans Coffee & Chocolate (German Village location)
897 S. Third Street, Columbus, OH, 43206
Winans Coffee & Chocolate (Short North location)
611 N. High Street, Columbus, OH, 43215
Interested in selling Seasons of Transformation in your store… let’s chat!
I am a certified Master Life Coach and project manager and am committed to helping individuals and companies achieve their most important goals so we can build a world where no goal dies of loneliness.
1. Coaching Intake: before our first session, you will complete a brief questionnaire to help us focus our efforts.
2. Session #1 – Goal Project Kick-off: we will discuss your vision & begin to narrow our focus to the 1-2 priority goals.
3. Session #2 – Goal Project Charter: we will finalize your goal project “charter,” commit to your goal & start building your roadmap.
4. Session #3 – Goal Project Roadmap: we will finalize your roadmap to success, including your “wills” and “won’ts.”
5. Sprinting To Success: we will work together to execute your roadmap in 2-week cycles called “sprints.” During these sprints, we will meet biweekly to review progress and plan the next sprint.
6. Final Coaching Session – Goal Project Wrap-up: once you have reached your goal, we will meet to celebrate your wins, review what you’ve learned & commit to your plan to keep the changes alive.