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Are you looking for a little more support to help you achieve your goals? I have created a number of resources intended to increase your chances of success. See below for links to my books, articles, examples and other resources.


Are you pursuing a goal? Let me help!

I offer 1-on-1 life & health coaching services to help achieve your biggest goals.


I am a multi-published author sharing books spanning multiple topics in the self-improvement and goals space. Please check out the My Books section for details

Articles & eBooks

A Leadership Model for Everybody

Everybody has some sort of strategy, process or model that they claim to be the secret to great leadership. But they usually don’t scale well to various levels of leadership – the person just starting their career has different needs than the seasoned executive. In this article, I share a leadership model that has scaled well for me for years. 

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Development Saved is Development Earned

“A penny saved is a penny earned.” Smart words from Benjamin Franklin. Essentially, there are two ways to increase your wealth: earn a new penny, or choose not to spend a penny you already have.  This exact same premise applies to your growth and development.

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Templates, Examples & Other Resources

Seasons of Transformation (free chapter): Seasons of Transformation Free Chapter: My newest book, Seasons of Transformation, launches 11/1/2023. Seasons of Transformation follows Kate, a high-performer climbing the corporate ladder, as she encounters a surprise harsh personal winter. Through her journey, she will learn about the power of goals, life coaching and perseverance during unexpected midlife transformation. Operation Melt subscribers can download a free preview chapter. 

Qualitative Goal Tracking Worksheet: Use this worksheet to track daily progress with your non-numerical, qualitative goals and/or daily habits.

Project Charter Worksheet: A project charter formally recognizes a project exists and is authorized to continue. In your personal goal project, the charter is used to recognize, for yourself, that your project exists and to state its goals. Your charter marks a decision point in your life and your commitment to accomplishing your goal. Download your free copy of the project charter workbook I use with Operation Melt coaching clients.

Weekly Body Image Journal Worksheet: With any struggle in life, awareness is the first step to problem-solving. Body image challenges are no different – you need to know what’s happening and your triggers to manage them. Use this worksheet to track the results of your boost your awareness of your perceptions of your body image.

Silencing the Lies: Are you hearing voices? They might be telling you lies! Every one of us has two voices inside us. One of them exists only inside your head and can be a powerful ally or your biggest critic, lying to you and undermining you at every turn. This exercise will help you tell this inner critic to shut up. It’s time to silence the lies.

Ideal Job Blueprint: The Ideal Job Blueprint exercise is a simple yet powerful tool to help you determine where to look next for your career. This exercise includes two parts: Ideal Job Venn Diagram and Red/Green flags.

Wheel of Life Worksheet: The Wheel of Life helps you create a visual representation of your current level of satisfaction with each major area of your life. Once complete, the wheel helps you target the areas of your life that could use a little work. This will help you focus your goal-setting energy.

Retrospective Template: What if we got better at pursuing our goals every week or every month? How powerful would that be and how successful would we be just a few months in the future? That is the goal of a retrospective, to continually assess and improve our performance throughout our projects. Use this structure to complete your own retrospectives.

Top Lessons Learned from 2020: Not to under-sell it, 2020 was an odd year and was not the year that I had planned. Like many people, I had a few wins, but they were quickly overshadowed by other events. At the end of the year, I looked back over all of the ups and downs and completed a personal 2020 retrospective. After some careful thought, I identified six big lessons that I have gleaned from 2020.

Happy Hour Playbook: Happy hours can be lots of fun, but they can also be very dangerous to your fitness goals. If you don’t plan ahead the can result in mindlessly consuming a full day’s worth of calories in just a few hours. By applying a few common-sense strategies, happy hours can be both fun and fitness-safe.

A Leadership Model for Everybody

Everybody has some sort of strategy, process or model that they claim to be the secret to great leadership. But they usually don’t scale well to various levels of leadership - the person just starting their career has different needs than the seasoned executive. In this article, I share a leadership model that has scaled well for me for years.

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Development Saved is Development Earned

“A penny saved is a penny earned.” Smart words from Benjamin Franklin. Essentially, there are two ways to increase your wealth: earn a new penny, or choose not to spend a penny you already have. This exact same premise applies to your growth and development.

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Seasons of Transformation Free Chapter

Seasons of Transformation - Free Chapter

My new book, Seasons of Transformation, will launch in just a few weeks. Seasons of Transformation is one woman’s story of goals, life coaching, perseverance and unexpected mid-life personal transformation.

I am giving away one free chapter to email subscribers as a sneak peek into the new book.
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Qualitative Goal Tracking Worksheet

Qualitative Goal Tracking Worksheet

Use this worksheet to track daily progress with your non-numerical, qualitative goals and/or daily habits.

Download your free copy of the Qualitative Goal Tracking Worksheet.
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Project Charter Worksheet

Project Charter Worksheet

A project charter formally recognizes a project exists and is authorized to continue. In your personal goal project, the charter is used to recognize, for yourself, that your project exists and to state its goals. Your charter marks a decision point in your life and your commitment to accomplishing your goal.

Download your free copy of the project charter workbook I use with Operation Melt coaching clients.
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Weekly Body Image Journal Worksheet

Weekly Body Image Journal Worksheet

With any struggle in life, awareness is the first step to problem-solving. Body image challenges are no different - you need to know what's happening and your triggers to manage them. Use this worksheet to track the results of your boost your awareness of your perceptions of your body image.

Download your free copy of the Weekly Body Image Journal Worksheet.
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Silencing The Lies

Silencing The Lies

Are you hearing voices? They might be telling you lies!

Every one of us has two voices inside us. The first voice is the one that comes from our mouth that other people can hear and can be a powerful tool to express ourselves. 

The second voice is one that only we can hear. This voice exists only inside our head and makes continual commentary about us and everything around us; it is our inner self-talk. Our second voice can be a powerful ally when it serves as our inner cheerleader. Unfortunately, this voice can also be our biggest critic, undermining us at every turn.

This inner critic is not really you! The critic is just borrowing your voice without your permission. Then, in your own voice, it tells you terrible things that undermine your confidence and hold you back from greatness. 

This exercise will help you tell this inner critic to shut up. It’s time to silence the lies.

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Ideal Job Blueprint

Stuck trying to figure out what comes next in your career? Here’s an exercise to help.

The Ideal Job Blueprint exercise is a simple yet powerful tool to help you determine where to look next for your career. This exercise includes two parts: Ideal Job Venn Diagram and Red/Green Flags.

Free Career Venn Diagram download for Operation Melt email subscribers.

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Wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life helps you create a visual representation of your current level of satisfaction with each major area of your life. Once complete, the wheel helps you target the areas of your life that could use a little work. This will help you focus your goal-setting energy.

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Retrospective Template

We naturally execute our projects, and our lives one day, one week, one month at a time similar to the “sprints” in an Agile project. What if we got better at pursuing our goals every week or every month? How powerful would that be and how successful would we be just a few months in the future? That is the goal of a retrospective, to continually assess and improve our performance throughout our projects. Use this template to complete your own retrospectives.

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Lessons Learned from 2020

Not to under-sell it, 2020 was an odd year and was not the year that I had planned. Like many people, I had a few wins, but they were quickly overshadowed by other events. At the end of the year, I looked back over all of the ups and downs and completed a personal 2020 retrospective. After some careful thought, I identified six big lessons that I have gleaned from 2020.

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Happy Hour Playbook

Happy hours can be lots of fun, but they can also be very dangerous to your fitness goals. If you don’t plan ahead the can result in mindlessly consuming a full day's worth of calories in just a few hours. By applying a few common-sense strategies, happy hours can be both fun and fitness-safe.

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