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Seasons of Transformation

Seasons of Transformation
The seasons don't choose to change... people can!

One thing we can always count on in life is the changing seasons. While they sometimes seem shorter or longer, milder or harsher, there will always be four seasons.

Our lives follow similar changing seasons. Nowhere are these seasons more pronounced than when we experience personal transformation.

Follow Kate as she experiences the Seasons of Transformation after unexpectedly encountering a harsh personal winter … with a little help, Kate will:

  •     Pick herself up, set new goals and choose a different path
  •     Break free from workaholism and corporate ladder-climbing
  •     Improve her confidence in herself and her body
  •     Build meaningful friendships and strengthen her marriage
  •     Learn to trust her team of experts and stop facing her struggles alone
  •     Discover how her project management skills are more than a business tool

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Seasons of Transformation

Paperback & Kindle eBook Now Available!

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TONY WEAVER helps people bring their goals to life! In addition to being a technologist and consultant, Tony is a master life coach and an author specializing in goals and personal and leadership development. Drawing on his inspirational story of personal transformation, combined with his experience as a leader, project manager, mentor and coach, he has helped hundreds of people achieve their personal and career goals.

Book Details / Specifications

Title: Seasons of Transformation
Author: Tony Weaver
Paperback: 346 pages
Publisher: Operation Melt, LLC
On Sale: 11/1/2023
Language: English
ISBN: 9798862098365
List Price: $18.99
Kindle eBook List Price: $8.99

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Seasons of Transformation Free Chapter

Seasons of Transformation - Free Chapter

My new book, Seasons of Transformation, will launch in just a few weeks. Seasons of Transformation is one woman’s story of goals, life coaching, perseverance and unexpected mid-life personal transformation.

I am giving away one free chapter to email subscribers as a sneak peek into the new book.
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