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Mind Control Powers

Thank you for reading this week’s Operation Melt update.

Operation Melt started as a blog to share my personal transformation and weight loss story. After achieving success with that goal, Operation Melt has evolved into a platform to help inspire, motivate and equip people to achieve their own personal and professional goals so they can live their best lives.

I am trying to build a world where no goal ever dies of loneliness.

Amuse Bouche

My amuse bouche for you today is a light “dad joke” to entertain your mind before we get down to business.

We all know about Murphy’s Law: anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

But have you heard of Cole’s Law?

It’s thinly sliced cabbage.

Like any other amuse bouche, you may have hated it, but it was worth every penny that you paid for it, right?

Goal Success by Choice

We can choose to be successful with our goals if we make the right daily choices, build the right habits and behaviors and adopt the right mindsets. Goal Success by Choice shares lessons about the choices we can make that can either move us closer to our goals or hold us back. I hope this post helps you get a little closer to crushing your goals.

Mind Control Powers

Did you know that you have the power of mind control?

Every one of us possesses the power to control minds and this power comes in very handy more often than you would think. It is one of the superpowers that we can use to make our dreams come true.

Consider the following example of a recent mind control experience I had.

Sunday Funday

I love my Sundays!

As you know, Sunday is blog day. But, I prefer writing my blog throughout the week and pre-scheduling for Sunday posting. I don’t do my best writing in real-time and like to have some time to revise through the week. 

On Sundays, I usually finish my normal morning routine, make sure my blog has successfully posted (or write it if need be), and then head out for some exercise. I often go for a long and catch up on the podcasts from the week. I reflect and process the events from the week. I think ahead to the upcoming week. I really value this time.

A recent Sunday included a string of first-world problems that knocked me off of my game. 

I didn’t write my blog in advance, so I needed to write it that morning. 

I got a late start because I decided to stay in my warm, cozy bed. 

I had computer problems and took longer than normal to write and post my blog. Plus I wasn’t satisfied with the quality of what I wrote. 

When I, finally, headed out for my long walk, my body was sore. The Dark Side (see Beware of the Dark Side ) really got ahold of me on the prior day. I tried to be He-Man and overdid my run and gym workout and then added more walking through the day.

My morning started off rough and now I was heading out for exercise that my body wasn’t sure it wanted to do. 

I stopped to grab a cup of coffee to take with me and ended up having to wait in line. 

I started getting annoyed by the podcasts I was listening to and was ready to throw in the towel. I thought about just stopping my walk right there and going back home to lounge on the couch with the kittens.

My Sunday Funday was turning into a big let-down.

I was about to turn back to head home, but I decided to try something a little different. I turned off the podcasts and turned on some music. I created a new station on Pandora based on a song that I had heard and liked the prior day. The station turned into a constant stream of funky, bass guitar-forward songs by artists like Victor Wooten.

Suddenly, my mood changed. 

I was enjoying my walk. My pace was faster than normal. I had tons of new ideas pop into my head, so many that I could barely write them down fast enough. It turned into a great morning.

My mind switched from being annoyed and frustrated to being happy and performing at its best just by applying the right input. In this case, music. I controlled my own mind.

Ok, maybe it isn’t Jedi Mind Trick-level mind control, but we still have a power that we can use to achieve big results.

Reprogramming Our Brains

If you want to control your mind, simply reprogram your brain.

Our brains are just big, gooey computers. They process the input they are given. If we give them garbage input, we get garbage output. By simply changing the input that our brains receive, we have the power to control the output. We have the power of mind control.

When has your brain let you down and performed at its worst?

  • Did you eat and drink crap? 
  • Were you telling yourself negative, hurtful things that you would never say to another person? 
  • Were you fixated on all of the negative or annoying forces around you? 
  • Did you just binge-watch a full season of your favorite entertainment “junk food?” 
  • Were you trying to force-feed your brain some form of input that it wasn’t ready to receive?

Our brain does what we tell it to do. 

If we make choices to allow things into our brains that we know aren’t good for us, we can’t be surprised when the results are crap. It is our own fault, we aren’t leveraging our mind control powers.

To make your dreams come true, you need to start by controlling your mind and conditioning it to succeed. Give your what it craves and it will be unstoppable.

Here are some examples of ways that you can trigger your mind control powers:

  • Gratitude: reflect on the things you are grateful for in your life. Set a timer for five minutes and list as many things that you are grateful for during this time as possible. By starting with gratitude you tell your brain to look for the positive things instead of the negative things. 
  • Affirmations: Affirmations are positive things that are true about yourself that you repeat to yourself to feed your brain positivity and confidence. Statements like “I am successful” and “people like me and want to be around me” and countless others can help you feed your brain positive self-talk.
  • Music: Choosing to listen to the right music at the right time can fuel your brain with positive, uplifting, inspirational, or whatever other thoughts you need. You likely already know what music works for you, build playlists to have this at the ready. For example, I have a “Be Fierce” playlist that includes songs that I listen to when I want to feel powerful and unstoppable.
  • Art: Maybe what you need to control your mind is something more visual. Seek out works of art, save photos in a digital album and look through them when you need a little brain reprogramming.
  • Inspirational Videos: I have also found a series of inspirational videos on YouTube that I use to help put me in the mood that I want to be in. See the suggested resources below for a previous blog where I shared some of these.
  • Laughter: I love to laugh and to make others laugh. Laughter triggers your body to release endorphins which immediately gives your brain a dose of good feelings. Laughter can always make any situation better for me.

These are just a handful of my mind control techniques. This is how I pivot my brain from the moments of utter crap to the place where I need it to be to succeed. 

You don’t need to prevent yourself from ever being in a negative place, you can’t control that, life happens. The secret to mind control is how you react when your brain isn’t doing what you want.

What tools will you turn to the next time you need to invoke your mind control powers?

Suggested Resources

Here are some other resources related to today’s post that you might want to read:

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Published inGoal Success by Choice