Thank you for reading this week’s Operation Melt update.
Operation Melt started as a blog to share my personal transformation and weight loss story. After achieving success with that goal, Operation Melt has evolved into a platform to help inspire, motivate and equip people to achieve their own personal and professional goals so they can live their best lives.
I am trying to build a world where no goal ever dies of loneliness.

THAT Tuesday Morning
A day early this week, but for a good reason. I want to start by sharing an excerpt from my personal journal that I wrote on that random Tuesday morning three years ago today when I saw this awesome sight:

So, I did it! Just 2 days shy of 9 months into my fitness journey, I passed the 100 pounds mark. I stepped on the scale and got a reading of 224.8.
It was a big surprise to see that this morning and I didn’t expect it at all. I honestly thought I would be at the 99 pounds lost mark and would not lose any more weight this week and be frustrated … but, there it was, a success.
This has been such a rewarding journey. It has been hard work, but not as hard as I had expected. Plus, I was way more successful than I had ever expected to be. My goal was over 100 in under a year and I was a little skeptical with that goal. To have crushed it in under 9 months was a huge surprise.
This journey has re-taught me something that I kind of forgot over the past few years. I am amazing and I can accomplish anything I commit to doing. I can be a total badass when it is something I care about.
The other thing that this journey really reminded me of is that I am more than my work; my job does not define me. That has become very clear since I got booted from my old job and stayed focused on my other goals.
So, what’s next? In my fitness journey, next is not to take my foot off the gas. I am going to continue my routine, my eating well, my workouts and my focus. I am going to see if I can get myself under 200 pounds by the 1-year mark. I am going to work on sculpting my body through weight training. I am going to do my first and then more organized runs. Plus, I am going to write my book!
My Journal, 3/13/2018
Since that morning I have never forgotten that I can be a total badass. After all, I accomplished something that very few people ever can and I maintained it for three years. That is something that one study said that 97% of people fail to do. This has led to some big changes and accomplishments in my life.
I kept going in my weight loss and hit a peak loss of 131 total pounds lost. I have increased my weight since then through the addition of a significant amount of muscle. I am stronger than ever and continue to set new personal records in my strength training. Despite seeing the weight go up a bit, I am happier with my body than ever before. I guess I am a bodybuilder now.

I have also become an accomplished runner. I have run countless 5k races (well, I guess I could count them if I wanted to, but I am too lazy for that), 4-milers, 5-milers and 10k races. Where I will count my runs is that I have completed ten solo or organized half marathons in just three years, the first one just 14 months after weighing in at 325 pounds. My last half was a personal record that was a faster pace than my first 5k.

Beyond what I have been able to achieve physically since that Spring morning three years ago is what I have been able to contribute to others.
My Operation Melt blog is still going strong but has evolved a little bit to be less about my journey and more about helping my readers achieve their own goals.
I wrote and self-published that book that I talked about in my “what’s next” in my journal entry three years ago and have sold a few copies. While it wasn’t a best-seller, I know that it has helped inspire a few people to successfully pursue their goals.
My journey and successes have reinvigorated my passion for helping people achieve their goals. I get to do this every day as a leader and consultant, but I have also found another avenue to flex this muscle. I have become a certified coach and am starting to work directly with clients to help them define their goals, build a plan to achieve them and see that plan through to success. I am just getting started with this, but I know that I bring a ton of experience that will help my clients make their own dreams come true.

While I do have many goals, I am not completely sure what comes next for me in my journey. And, you know what, that excites me. My path is limitless and I am going to keep killing it. But, like everywhere else I have ever been successful, I am going to do it my way!
Thanks again for reading today’s post and here’s to achieving your most important goals!
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