I am a believer in the power of project management.
As a professional project manager for nearly twenty years I have witnessed project success drive business results. I have also proven that project management can change lives and help achieve personal transformation. Now I am sharing some practical tips and techniques that you can use to help achieve your own personal goals, live your best life and become a PM Believer.
Remember Your Why
Last week I wrote about the importance of well-crafted, SMART goals. This week I want to talk more about the R in SMART, relevant.
I want to start by sharing a reality of project management offices (PMOs). There are never enough resources (money, people, time) to complete all of the requested projects or to pursue all of the good ideas. This means that organizations need a tool to help choose which projects to approve.
PMOs use business cases to evaluate, prioritize and compare projects. A business case defines the reasoning, anticipated costs, potential benefits and risks for initiating a project.
Similarly we too have to prioritize which goals get our focus. So we also need to define business cases for our goals. But there is an even more important reason that we need a business case.
In his book, Start With Why, author and TED Talk speaker Simon Sinek says “people don’t buy WHAT you do; they buy WHY you do it.” Said differently, the stronger the reason is for embarking on the journey, the more likely the destination will be reached.
You need to know your “why” too.
The stronger your “why,” or your business case, for your goal the higher the probability is that your “why” will carry you through the hard times. A good “why” makes a crushable goal. So make sure to focus on your “why,” or your R, when creating your SMART goal.
When I defined my goal to write my book, a very big undertaking and a huge act of vulnerability, I thought extensively about why this was important.
I had recently gone through a major personal transformation and corrected one of my biggest struggles through my entire life. I did it my way, used what I knew and enjoyed the journey. This was very rewarding but I almost didn’t even try. I want to do everything in my power, using my talents, to help other people avoid letting their goals die of loneliness by never even trying.
That was a very strong why and carried me through to making my goal a success!
Are you ready to be a PM Believer?
Do you have a goal that you want to achieve? Why is your goal important to you? Once you can answer this question with a compelling and motivating business case you will be ready to crush your goal.
How have you applied project management for your personal success? Tell me about it at OperationMelt.com and make sure to join my email list to have updates delivered to your inbox weekly.
Make sure to help your friends achieve their goals by sharing this post on your social network and by following me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.
Want to know more about how I changed my life with project management? Pick up your copy of my book Operation Melt: How I Used Life-Changing Project Management to Lose Over 100 Pounds In Under a Year.
About Operation Melt
Operation Melt started as a blog to share my personal transformation and weight loss story. After achieving success with that goal, Operation Melt has evolved into a platform to help inspire, motivate and equip people to achieve their own personal and professional goals so they can live their best lives. My vision is to build a world where no goal ever dies of loneliness.